Untitled: Art Meets Improv is a show that strives to merge the worlds of improv comedy and visual/studio arts into a unique and collaborative experience. Local artists across many disciplines share their work with the cast to inspire an improv set to create a comedy show unlike any you've seen before!
Comedy, Devised, Experimental, Improv
Center City, Philadelphia
Philly Theatre Week:
Thursday, March 30, 8:30pm-9:30pm
Pay What You Can Availability:
10 Tickets
How PWYC Ticket Donations Support Crossroads Comedy Theater:
As one of the only alternative comedy theaters in the area that pays artists for their performances, Crossroads relies on ticket sales to help support our artists and our continued operation. We greatly appreciate any amount you are able to pay to enjoy the show.
Health: Masks will be mandatory while in the building. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided for you. Artists are fully vaccinated and will be on stage performing without a mask. These policies may change if the guidance of the CDC, City of Philadelphia, or advice of other public health experts recommend.
Recommended Age: Parental Discretion Advised