This holiday season Quintessence presents The Fantasticks, the legendary, longest running musical that ran off-Broadway for over 55 years. In residence at the historic Sedgwick Theater in Northwest Philadelphia, Quintessence is Philadelphia’s award-winning classic repertory theatre company and welcomes musical theatre lovers of all ages to remember this classic romance: a story of two young neighbors tricked into falling in love by their conniving parents through the construction of a wall and other cockamamie stratagems. When the parents’ plan backfires, and the young romantics’ love falls apart, life’s reality becomes clear, and the young lovers get to dream their own dreams, plan their own futures, and discover what true love really means.
Including the iconic songs “Try To Remember,” “Plant a Radish,” and “They Were You,” and crafted by the late Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt, Quintessence will be producing the 2009 revised version of the musical with lyrics approved by Tom Jones.