Real PlaNet Life is the Real Housewives meets PeeWee’s Playhouse. Nine aliens try to live harmoniously in one house in a spoof reality TV show you’ll never forget. Starting some of Philly’s Phinest performers — Severin Blake, Izzy Sazak, Thomas Choinacky, Eppchez!, MK Tuomanen, Rich Bradford — and filmed by Taj Rauch, this romp will delight you as old feuds resurface and scandalous truths come out! Now streaming.
Directed by Rebecca Wright, Assistant Directed by Newton Buchanan, Cinematographer Taj Rauch, Puppets by Lexi Hotai, Costumes by Jill Keys, written by Applied Mechanics. Starting Izzy Sazak, Eppchez!, Thomas Choinacky, MK Tuomanen, Severin Blake, Richard Bradford.