This guided transmutation casts the audience as a seed and invites them on an allegorical journey. This is an invitation to connect with a common pattern of transmutation that we tend to turn away from in shame and guilt. By investigating how the body moves from subjugated to privileged and dominating, we can begin to understand how power woos and assimilates. This was a pattern acted out by white colonizers in the Americas, but the pattern is not exclusive to that experience of whiteness. Could familiarizing ourselves with this pattern and practicing the release of power help us be more creative with how we use and transmute our divine energy to co-create a more loving world?
We will gather at Glendenning Rock Garden to introduce the performance. Each participant will find a comfortable space and experience the audio at their own pace, pausing as needed. Afterward, a retention space with hot tea will be available to process the experience.
Experimental, Musical, Philadelphia Premiere, Workshop, Audio Recording, Drink Included
North Philadelphia
Philly Theatre Week:
Sunday, March 26, 2:00pm-3:00pm
Wednesday, March 29, 3:00pm-4:00pm
Pay What You Can Availability:
20 Tickets per Performance
How PWYC Ticket Donations Support Alma’s Engine:
Theater should not be cost prohibitive. Those who can donate more help to make artists' lives more financially sustainable while maintaining a pricing structure that makes art accessible for all.
Seating: Seating will mainly be on blankets on the ground. We will have chairs available for those who need them. Each audience member will find a comfortable location to settle and will use their personal smartphone device and headphones to listen to the guided transmutation.
Accessibility: Wheelchair Accessible
Health: Event will be outside with social distancing masks encouraged
Recommended Age: 14+