"The beloved pioneer of panaché, Edmond Rostand’s Cyrano de Bergerac, is a celebration of the power of language, in the Philadelphia premiere of a new wickedly witty adaptation by in-yer-face theatre’s Martin Crimp (The Misanthrope, 2013). Cyrano secretly loves the radiant and well-read Roxane. Roxane loves the beautiful bodied but dim-witted Christian. Cyrano is a masterful swordsman and a genius with words, but his long nose makes him embittered and fearful to profess his love. So instead of fighting, Cyrano offers Christian the use of his poetry in order to win Roxane’s affection with more than just looks, and a powerful and often hilarious love triangle is set in motion. As France goes to war, each
character is torn between duty, the lure of physical attraction and the seductive power of words."