It is the year 1976 in a small provincial Mississippi town where we follow 24 hours in the lives of three sisters: Lenny, Meg and Babe, young women who, like their mother before them, provoke gossip and disapproval from the town’s leading citizens. The whirlwind events of those 24 hours bring these women more notoriety than ever before, but may actually change their lives and the way they see themselves. This bizarre black comedy is in fact not only very funny, but also warm, insightful, and deeply human.
Playwright: Beth Henley
Director: Yaga Brady
Cast: Sabrina Caruso, Genevieve Evans, Zoe Bentley, Samantha Solar, Mike Adams, Ryan Henzes
Additional Details:
Audience members must wear masks. Audience members of all ages will be asked to show proof of vaccination and a photo ID before entering the performance venue. Accepted forms for proof of vaccination include a physical vaccine card with your name on it or a digital photo of your vaccine card on a cell phone. Please plan accordingly. To help protect the health and safety of audiences, artists, staff, and our greater community, patrons are required to wear masks at all indoor performances. Please check online for any updates:
Accessibility: ADA seating is available, but limited. Please phone 215.247.9913 to reserve ADA seating and note the performance date and time and a number where you can be contacted, should there be questions.