Designers and Production team needed for new play entitled “I Kiss Your Hands”
In times of war, it is not only soldiers who perform feats of great valor and display incredible courage. Often, non-combatant civilians risk their lives by performing quiet yet extraordinary acts of selflessness and gallantry. Irena Sendler was one such civilian. A gentle but determined Polish Catholic woman, Irena Sendler helped smuggle thousands of Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto, saving them from certain death. Her unwavering sense of justice is an inspiring testament to the bravery of ordinary people. This is her story.
Irena Sendler is a historic figure and has often been called "The Female Dr. Schindler!" Please help me tell her incredible story!
Positions Available:
Stage Manager
Technical Director
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer
Fight Choreographer
All applicants must live within an hour drive of Newtown, PA. Remote positions are not available.
Pay will be commensurate with experience. Bonuses are available to all!
Note: The Sounds and Lights Designer can be the same person, and this individual will be paid both stipends.
Please indicate your interest when reaching out. You can apply for as many positions as you’d like.
Production meetings will take place weekly via Zoom and on a schedule agreed upon by the team.
Rehearsals will be held at Chandler Hall in Newtown, PA. Designers should be able to attend at least one in person rehearsal for designer run.
Tech and Performances will be held at Chandler Hall in Newtown, PA.
Opening Night is scheduled for Nov 8, 2025, and we will hold a total of six performances over two successive weekends.
This story has not been told before in this scope and depth. Be a part of history!