A Philly Children’s Theatre and Please Touch Museum Production. This show will be a devised 30 minute show based on their Traveling Exhibit “The Questioneers”! This play will be geared around the Scientific Method.
Producer: Sarah Gordin
Director: Kaity Levesque
Assistant Director: Abby Wolf
Stage Manager: Ali Rohrbaugh
Designer: Payton Smith
We are seeking 3 Performers (2 Actors and a Swing) that are Strong Movers Ages 18+. All roles are open to actors of all genders, races and abilities!
We are looking for an energetic and positive cast that is open to devising a theatre for the very young show.
Payment: $750 Stipend (Non-Union)
We are looking for one musician/actor to create an original score surrounding the movement piece with GUITAR. This score will be performed live at the performances as the musician will be part of the show experience. We are also looking for musician to record their songs for backup for performances/potential release of music.
Payment: $800 Stipend
May 3rd - July 1st
Tuesdays 7:15pm-10:00pm (Location in Center City)
Saturdays 11:00am-4:00pm (Please Touch Museum)
No rehearsals over Memorial Day weekend.
Full Calendar can be found in Submission Form
Show Dates:
July 2nd-July 27th
Saturdays & Sundays Morning/Midday
No shows on July 5th.
Submissions Close on Sunday April 6th at 11:59pm
Musicians Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScR6moSrOUVZJgXtJObwQVg_GW1jzrUVMTBv0BuHwUcuq0pLQ/viewform?usp=dialog
Please submit videos showcasing an original song.
Performers Form:
We would like to see two videos for submissions! One of you moving- in whatever way that means to you, and one of you acting (a monologue). There is also an optional third submission where you can put another video (of you singing, acting, a reel, etc).
Callbacks will be held at the Please Touch Museum (Invitation Only) Saturday 4/12 at 3:30pm and 4:30pm
4231 Avenue of the Republic, Philadelphia, PA 19131
Please direct all questions to [email protected]