Casting: Internal Marketing Video
Production Company: ComedyTheory TV
Director: Graham Nolte
Casting Director: Brian Kurtas, CSA
Shoot Date: April 13
Location: Philadelphia or local suburbs
Union: NON-Sag
Usage: Promotional use for production company. NOT broadcast. Company's website and LinkedIn targeted ads.
Seeking: Experienced on-camera strong actors to play C-level employees of a company in a mock video. Some roles have lines, other roles are just reactions. All gender-identities, body types, ethnicities.
Creative Director - 40+
Copywriter - 40+
Account Manager - 40+
Chief Marketing Officer - 40+
The spec scripts are available to preview to see the tone of the style of these videos here:
Interested and available for consideration, please submit your headshot, resume, and any on-camera demos electronically at this link :